Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Dealing With a Brokenheart is not easy

"it is not easy to fall in love to a person..especially after you have suffer from being a brokenhearted...No matter how painful your experience way back then... YOU should still learn to open your heart you'll see...that there will be a better person who can heal those broken heart of your's."


.."it's funny how you set  checklist for the perfect Mr. Right for you...
then suddenly, you realize that what is perfect can't be describe by anything...
Most of the time it's about imperfection that can make you HAPPY in LOVE...

Monday, September 19, 2011

Patience is a VIRTUE

‎"True LOVE" can't be expressed by saying iloveyou, to the person you love the most
 it is when you are capable of waiting for them patiently until they are ready to be with you.. XD
from: BSN-2b2011-12{BC}